Rawn Clarks „A Bardon Companion“ has become a classic in hermetic literature. While Bardons original books are very clear in the simplicity of their instructions, experience has shown that many a student got problems in interpreting and doing the work – mostly by too high expectations in themselves.
Rawns Commentary adresses exactly this challenges. In very clear and modern language he shows the meaning behind the words and instructions of Bardon and makes them more available to the reader and student. He shows the attitude that is needed for the work and present some of his thoughts and experiences with „Initiation into Hermetics“. All this without becoming lofty or arrogant, but always very down to earth – like expected from a true adept. To me, when I stumbled upon his first commentary years ago, Bardons instructions became crystal clear immediatly…
It is clearly written by someone who DID the work himself.
In the book you’ll find not only Rawns classic commentary to Bardons three books, but also a completly new commentary to „Initiation into hermetics“ and an extended Q&A-section concerning several different topics students ask on their PATH.
So, while no one can spare the student the work of deeply meditating about Bardons words and especially of doing the work, this book can help the beginner a lot and delight the advanced student with its insight!